

Vengeance won’t make writer/director/lead douchebag B.J. Novak a star. Heck, nothing shy of an alternate universe is going to make B.J. Novak a star; that’s never going to happen. However, this film could well place him on a road to being a great director. In Vengeance, B.J. did the currently unthinkable: he presented Red State issues from a Blue State perspective without being dishonest, condescending, or alienating. In 2022, that’s like the ultimate magic act.

The story is about Ben Manalowitz, a NYC douchebag. The opening scene finds him at a random Manhattan roof party justifying his shallow behavior to an echo chamber. It’s important to note we don’t like Ben or his values right off the bat. He awakens from a one-night stand to discover his “girlfriend” ( another casual sex friend) in rural Texas is dead from an Oxycontin overdose. The girl’s brother, Ty (Boyd Holbrook), shames Ben into coming to the funeral where he’s mistakenly treated as a minor celebrity.

On the ride back to the airport, Ty confesses his pain, insists his sister was murdered and vows that someone is going to pay. He then traps Ben into participating in his scheme for solving the murder and getting Vengeance. Ben accepts conditionally, but only after realizing he can make a podcast about it to support his own sagging career. Ben clearly has no intention of doing anything other than commenting on what he sees (and probably laughing at it, tongue-in-cheek). And there’s a large discrepancy between the way Ty’s family sees Ben (as their daughter’s near-saintly fiancé) and how Ben sees them (a collection of well-meaning simpletons).

It would be easy at this point for a humiliation slide of sorts, either on the part of the backwater town for its lack of nuance or by Ben for his big city hubris. And there is some of each without an indulgence of either; it’s quite a balancing act. Epitomized by this odd microscopic look is record producer Quinten Sellers (Ashton Kutcher, in quite possibly his best role to date), the man who presents possible stardom for small town wannabes. Decked in an off-white clownish cowboy outfit, Quinten is both exactly what he seems and a complete surprise. For a walking punchline of sorts, Quinten’s conversation is surprisingly deep; his understanding of human nature is impeccable.

Vengeance is not only an astute (and rare) commentary on the exaggerated factors underlying Red State/Blue State politics –which isn’t mentioned at all in the film- Vengeance also has one of the most memorable climaxes of the year. The only real fault in the film I attribute to the major cringe that has to happen before revelation can be made. And, yes, fans of politics, both sides get their say in exploring what’s wrong with their opponents. This is a sharp commentary and I hope the beginning of a successful directing career from Novak.

Now … that said …

This Red State v. Blue State picture is exactly the kind of film we should be seeing five to ten times a year in the United States. This is clearly our biggest problem as a nation and it led directly to President Trump, the greatest disaster of the current generation. And why isn’t this type of picture being made ore often? Because RW assholes are the thinnest skinned humans on the planet. You call us “Snowflakes,” but you’re the ones who spew venom at the drop of a rad MAGA hat. Even when Vengeance went on its “what’s wrong with Red States” rap, it didn’t mention Trump – and believe me, we’re ALL thinking it. Why not mention Trump? Because Trumpers are the absolute worst people on the planet and you dare not attack them them in the media because then you’ll end up fighting a war instead of promoting a film.   Deep down, Trumpers know exactly what it is they’ve done, what evil they’ve spawned, and they just can’t own it; any slight to Trump becomes a perceived slight to themselves. They rage against facts, insight, or any public awareness that Trump is exactly the piece of shit we all see he is.  As a result, the “evil” “biased” MSM continues to handle Dump and his followers with kiddie gloves. Any other country … any other PARTY does what he does and everybody involved, bare minimum, goes to jail immediately and for a very long time. In most countries, plotters of failed coups get executed. In this country, they have their own powerful media ecosystem echoing: ” COUP? WHAT COUP?” fully knowing that if a Democrat dared do such, there would have been public hangings on January 7, 2021.  How do we know this?  The RW MAGA mob wanted a public hanging on January 6.

So yeah, BJ Novak couldn’t tell you exactly what he thinks of you? Well this is my forum and I can find that voice: if you voted for Trump twice, I have no need for you in any capacity regardless of your assets or past friendship. Your perception of truth and justice is so skewed, I don’t believe you know right from wrong any longer. And if you STILL support Trump at this point, you’re beyond deplorable.

You don’t deserve the constitution you clearly have never read.
You don’t deserve the Bible you pretend to espouse.
You don’t deserve the wealth or “freedom” you clearly crave.
You deserve exactly the myopic, bigoted, and violent fascist state that is your utopia.

RW trolls have had their say again and again and again. I constantly hear things about how Biden, liberals, Democrats are destroying America. Wow. Just wow. No, umm, we’re the ones trying to save it … for everyone, even your dumb asses. And we’re not winning. You know why? Because our sense of decency, fair play, and equality is always abused for weaknesses. Our biggest fault continues to be the assumption that we’re playing the same game with the same rules. Trump supporters, like Trump, no longer recognize rules. They only recognize power. And they will literally say anything and everything to keep it.

You assholes stand for nothing. Nothing. “Pro Life?” HA! Good luck resolving your fetus fetish with the mountain of policies you espouse that harm post-birth humans. “Small government?” HA! You’d gladly embrace a police state if meant keeping white males on top forever. “Less taxes?” HA! Sure, until you realize your economic model pays for dick; then you’ll happily tax the poor out the wazoo and blame them for their own misfortune. “Personal responsibility?”  HAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, that one is my favorite.  You know what people who believe in personal responsibility don’t do?  They don’t take the 5th.  They don’t ask for immunity or pardons.  You know what people who take personal responsibility do?  They take responsibility.  Try finding anybody … and I mean anybody Right of Liz Cheney who has taken responsibility for even the slightest controversy in this nation.  You stand for nothing because all you do is destroy; for being so “pro life,” you know nothing about creating.

My tribe may not always be right … but at least we’re the ones fighting fascism.

There once was a douche-y Blue Stater
Who in Texas, became an investigator
Regardless of sleuth
He’ll discover the truth
To the locals, he’ll still be a “hater”

Rated R, 107 Minutes
Director: B.J. Novak
Writer: B.J. Novak
Genre: Red State/Blue State
Type of being most likely to enjoy this film: People who have been waiting patiently for an accurate Red State commentary
Type of being least likely to enjoy this film: Trolls

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