
Am I Racist?

Long answer: Well, let me ask you this – What would you call someone who profits off the hardships of other races? I sure wouldn’t call that person “not racist,” would you? Somewhere in the rogues gallery of RW masters-of-disinformation between Ben Shapiro and Glenn Beck’s hairy ball sack lies Matt Walsh. If you don’t know who he is, consider yourself lucky. Mr. Walsh thinks of himself as the RW answer to Michael Moore. Unfortunately, he’s barely the equivalent of the RW Jordan Klepper.

In an effort to humiliate people who care, Matt Walsh made a film in which he asked the titular question, “Am I Racist?” Walsh gives only the slightest amount of self-inspection in this “search.” His real priority is to prove woke advocates are hypocrites.

So, clearly, Matt Walsh, you went straight for the greatest advocates of national inequality, yes? You probably went straight for the offices of the NAACP, the ACLU, or how about Nikole Hannah-Jones, author of The 1619 Project? Surely, these are the best resources to help you find a more balanced way to discuss and excuse your white privilege. You didn’t contact them, did you? No, you went after small fish to get a small laugh shared by racist people. Congratulations.

Walsh begins his uncomfortable quest in a diner where a waitress of color asks him how he’d like his coffee. You see his dilemma, yes? Even saying the word, “Black” is now racist.

Wow, you’re an asshole.

Context matters, you know. And, golly gee, I’m sooooooooo sorry you felt uncomfortable for five seconds. Try, I dunno, just try imagining what it might feel like to be Black. Can you picture it? I’ve been dying to ask this question of anybody claiming Kamala Harris or Barack Obama is a “DEI” hire: So, in your estimation, it is easier to be Black, yes? Apparently, you can go further on less talent; that is your claim, yes? I’ve listened to this rhetoric for years and can safely make two inferences: 1) MAGA people think many to most Black people with important jobs are not qualified for those jobs (this is rich coming from people who vote for Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, arguably the most unqualified presidential ticket in major party history).  2) Black people have it easier than their white counterparts, as the former don’t have to work as hard to achieve similar results.  Despite shouting about Muslim bans, birther nonsense, or Haitian cat-eating lies, MAGA people will insist, nay scream at the tops of their climate-change-denying lungs, that they are not racist. Hence, I have one question for y’all:  All else being equal, would you rather be Black?  If you, MAGA America, hesitate for even a second on that question, it means you acknowledge that whatever gains there are to be had from Black privilege are offset by whatever stigma you attach to being Black in America.  And, yeah, that makes you racist.  No question.

There is an entire political system that wins votes by spouting racism. The “Haitian immigrants are eating your pets” thing. That’s racist. Really, really racist. And white people are repeating it for the purpose of gaining power. Trump showed all of you the grievance path to stardom. And you’re here pretending that the members calling attention to it are profit-motivated scoundrels.

In an effort to learn the ways of woke and DEI, Walsh goes “undercover” in “hilarious” disguises. Dude, you’re not that famous; you just look like a jerk. And he uncovers an entire network of snake oil salesmen: people who are indeed profiting off “woke” and “DEI.” People who *gasp* have even put profit ahead of philosophy. Aha!

Well, gosh, somebody has taught the Right how to make a “gotcha”-style “Daily Show” interview … except you’re not as good at it, because, well, punching down. Although Matt Walsh strikes me exactly as the kind of guy who tells his friends he was turned down for his “Daily Show” interview for political reasons when the genuine reason was lack of talent.

I think what really offends me here is your thesis. Are there people who profit from DEI? Of course. Are there people who use “woke” just to rip-off naïve well-wishers? Yes, you’ve found them. And they’re scumbags, too. So, what’s your thesis, buddy? That calling attention to racism is just a game? That the Left are all hypocrites?  Cuz you haven’t really proven that at all. You see, here’s my thesis: every.single.Trump voter is a hypocrite on at least one level. It’s an easy thesis to prove, cuz y’all voted for Trump on whatever false premise you advocate. He’s “better for the country?” HA! Yeah, in what way? The economy? Security? Race relations? Unity? Pride? Freedom? I think you’ll find none of those are true … and those are the only ones you can argue. Your piece is simply about punching down: finding someone in America who is trying to make money (the HORROR, someone out to make money in the United States!) and calling them out for going about it the wrong way. Your results aren’t terribly insightful and only funny to bullies. Most of what’s here is awkward. Really, really awkward.  I cringe just thinking about this film.

One final question, Mr. Walsh – you point out people who are profiting from “woke” and “DEI.” How are you any different? Isn’t that exactly what you are doing? How are you any better? You strike me as just another in a long line of white men in America profiting from minorities without giving anything back. Our country has an awfully profound history of doing exactly that … and your pretense that the game is rigged against you would be hilarious were it not so dangerous.

I have no doubt this film will play well to a certain group of people, but to me it represents just a small part of the Pandora’s Box of evil that began with President Trump. Because of your distinct assholery, I predict a whole new wave of shitty “gotcha”-style documentaries in which mediocre white men use bigotry as entertainment. I couldn’t hate this film more.

Sorry, this film doesn’t deserve a limerick or a song. Fuck you, Matt Walsh.

Rated PG-13, 101 Minutes
Director: Justin Folk
Writer: Justin Folk, Brian A. Hoffmann, Matt Walsh
Genre: Punching down
Type of being most likely to enjoy this film: White people out to justify their bigotry
Type of being least likely to enjoy this film: Anybody with a soul

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