Waaaay too many facets.
Tag: biography
Sorry, Douglas Adams fans; there’s nothing here for you.
Hyde Park on Hudson
Say, FDR, any chance you have some, um, er, Presidentin’ to do? No? Fine. Carry on.
Chasing Ice
Really? Really? C’mon. How fast do glaciers move that we gotta chase ‘em? Oh. Oh s***.
for The Birds.
Be excellent to each other … wait, that’s not right.
The Iron Lady
Old lady dementia and conservative Cold War politics … honey, get the kids!
J. Edgar
Is this true or Bolshevik?
Note to the Chinese: please stop writing your modern history.
What if Brad Pitt played you in real life? Ok, that never happens. But Brad Pitt playing my father; that’s what Moneyball feels like to me.