Personally, I’d avoid titling my film after the sound effect of a bomb exploding.
Tag: sci-fi
The Darkest Hour
In Russia, aliens find you!
Cowboys & Aliens
Yee – haw! Let’s get to th’ anal probin’, pardners!
In Time
Time is money. Literally.
Atlas Shrugged: Part I
Worst film of the year.
The Thing
“Ahhhhhhh!” “What is it, killer aliens?” “No, Norwegians.”
Super 8
Are you sure this isn’t E.T.? It looks a lot like E.T.
Real Steel
Real stupid.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Dark of the Moon is indeed better than its immediate predecessor, Rise of the Fallen. However, that’s like saying Diabetes is better than Smallpox.
Wow. This thing has spread like … wildfire? Cancer? Mayonnaise? No, that’s not it. Just wait. I’ll get it.